Programming Sound Cards
Programming Sound Cards.iso
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212 lines
mono_tick0: cmp [patterndelay],0
je nodelay ; or pattern delay done ...
dec [patterndelay]
jz nodelay
dec [curline]
nodelay: setborder 4
call near ptr [READNEWNOTES]
setborder 1
jmp continuecalc
aNewtick: mov ax,[BPT]
mov [TickBytesLeft],ax
mov [calleffects],1
cmp [curtick],1
jbe mono_tick0
dec [curtick]
jmp continuecalc
calc_mono_tick PROC NEAR
push bp
; first fill tickbuffer with ZERO = 2048+offset post8bit
; for 16bit play then ofcourse a bit different value ...
; just only for 8bit play mode
mov ax,word ptr [offset tickbuffer +2]
mov es,ax
mov ax,2048+offset post8bit
xor di,di
mov cx,[DMArealBufsize+2]
setborder 3
rep stosw
setborder 1
mov [nextPosition],0
mov [calleffects],0
cmp [TickBytesLeft],0
jz aNewTick
mov ax,word ptr [offset tickbuffer +2]
mov es,ax
cmp [EndOfSong],1
je afterall
mov al,[usedchannels]
mov [curchannel],al
; number of ticks we calc for every tick :
mov ax,[TickBytesLeft]
mov cx,[DMArealBufsize+2]
sub cx,[nextPosition]
cmp cx,ax
jbe cantfinishTick
mov cx,ax ; finish that Tick and loop to fill the whole tickbuffer
mov [sample2calc],cx
cmp cx,0
je afterall
xor bp,bp
chnLoop: cmp ds:[channel.channeltyp+bp],0
je nextchannel
cmp ds:[channel.channeltyp+bp],2
ja nextchannel
cmp [calleffects],0
je noeff
; do effects for this channel :
mov al,[curtick]
cmp al,[curspeed]
je noeff_forfirst
doeff: mov bx,ds:[channel.command+bp]
cmp bx,255*2
je noeff
call [effects + bx]
; check if mixing :
cmp ds:[channel.enabled+bp],0
je nextchannel
mov ax,ds:[channel.SampleSEG+bp]
; well now check if in EMS :
cmp ax,0f000h
jb noEMSsample
and ax,0fffh
mov bx,ax
mov di,ds:[channel.sLoopend+bp]
mov ax,04400h
mov dx,[smpEMShandle] ; dx = handle
onemorepage: push bp bx ax dx di
; Set page number:
int 67h
cmp ah,0
je noemsprob
mov dl,0
div dl ; <- cause a "div by 0" because EMSdriver does not work correct
noemsprob: pop di dx ax bx bp
inc al
inc bx
sub di,16*1024
jnc onemorepage
mov ax,[frameseg]
noEMSsample: mov gs,ax
xor ebx,ebx
mov bh,ds:[channel.SampleVol+bp]
lfs si,[volumetableptr]
mov si,[nextPosition]
shl si,1
mov cx,[sample2calc]
mov edi,ds:[channel.sCurpos+bp]
rol edi,16
mov edx,ds:[channel.sStep+bp]
rol edx,16
cmp di,ds:[channel.sLoopend+bp]
jae sampleends1
; ES:SI - pointer to tickbuffer
; GS:DI - pointer to sampledata
; FS:BX - pointer to volumetable
; DX - decision part of current position in sample
; DI - integer part of current position in sample
; BH - volume of instrument
; CX - number of values to calc
; DS,BP - under use, but not in inner loop <- not optimized (hey come on, I just started to code this)
; jump into innerloop :
push bp
mov bp,cx
and bp,31
shr cx,5
inc cx
neg bp
add bp,32
cmp bp,32 ; <- that cost me some minutes to think about :(
jne no0
dec cx
xor bp,bp
no0: shl bp,1
sub si,bp
;sub si,bp
add bp,offset mn_innerloop_tbl
; before jump arround =) swap fs,ds
push ds fs
mov ax,ds
mov fs,ax
pop ds
push ds
jmp word ptr fs:[bp]
macro_mninner MACRO no
align 2
mn_inner&no: mov bl,gs:[di]
add edi,edx
adc di,0
mov ax,ds:[ebx+ebx] ; convert samplevalue with volumetable
add es:[si+pos],ax ; mix value to other channels
z = 0
pos = 0
rept 32 ; I know I'm crazy :) but what we do for fast inner loops ...
macro_mninner %z
z = z + 1
pos = pos + 2
add si,32*2
dec cx
jnz tickloop
pop fs
pop ds
pop bp
aftercalc: rol edi,16
mov ds:[channel.sCurpos+bp],edi
nextchannel: add bp,size channel
dec [curchannel]
jnz chnLoop
mov ax,[sample2calc]
sub [TickBytesLeft],ax
add [nextPosition],ax
mov ax,[DMArealBufsize+2]
cmp [nextPosition],ax
jb aNewTick
afterall: pop bp
sampleends1: cmp ds:[channel.sloopflag+bp],0
je no_loopflag1
tryagain1: sub di,ds:[channel.sloopEnd+bp]
add di,ds:[channel.sloopstart+bp]
cmp di,ds:[channel.sloopEnd+bp]
jae tryagain1
jmp back2calc1
no_loopflag1: mov ds:[channel.enabled+bp],0
jmp aftercalc
calc_mono_tick ENDP